Algorithmic Photography
Algorithmic Photography
Sabina Covarrubias (1977-) is a composer, multimedia artist, and a researcher in the field of computer music and live visuals. She is a researcher and professor at the INSPE of the Sorbonne University in Paris and part of the IREMUS laboratory.

Sabina Covarrubias Performing Visual Music at Sonica Festival 2019, Glasgow , UK. Photo Credit Louise Mather .
Academic Background :
Covarrubias received a Bachelor of Music Composition degree in 2006 from the National School of Music at the UNAM in Mexico City. She earned a Master’s degree in Musicology, Creation, and Society in 2010 from the University of Paris 8 (France), where she specialized in Computer-assisted composition and Ethnomusicology. In 2016 , she received a PhD degree in Esthetics, Science and Technology of the Arts from the University of Paris 8. Since 2009 she has attended numerous workshops and residencies at the IRCAM, Centre Pompidou in Paris, France, including “Design Sonore”, “Techniques de Synthèse avec MAX MSP”, "Jitter","CAO dans Max avec la librairie bach", “Audiosculpt”, “Spatialisateur”, among others. Sabina has also studied and trained to program with languages such as Java and C++, among others, at the National Polytechnic Institute in Mexico. She studied "Mastering Techniques" at Berklee Music College. Today she is an associated researcher of the CICM (Centre d'Informatique et Création Musicale) ,Paris, FRANCE.
Her works encompass a wide array of genres, such as experimental electronic music, soundscape, acousmatic music, orchestra and chamber music, visual music, algorithmic photography, audio-reactive video, etc. Her work have been shown in highly renowned concert halls and festivals in Mexico, United States, Italy, Glasgow, London, and France. Performances of her compositions have taken place in the International Festival for Women in Art in the Palacio de Bellas Artes in Mexico City , Sonica Festival in Glasgow, Saturnalia Festival, in Milano, Italy, and Tate Modern Museum in London, UK.
Key Credits and Awards
Covarrubias has obtained the following honors, grants and awards:
2018-2019 Artistic Residence with grant included in Cove-Park ,Glasgow. Scotland. Award from CMMAS and the British Council.
2016 Graduated Très Honorable avec Félicitations du Jury from the University of Paris 8 with a PhD degree in "Esthetics, Science and Technology of the Arts, Speciality : Music. (France).
2016-2019 Obtains FONCA scholarship "Sistema Nacional de Creadores de Arte" SNCA for distinguished mexican artists (Mexico).
2014 – Awarded with the honorable mention in the 1st “Arturo Marquez” Chamber Orchestra Composition Contest (México).
2013 -2016 Obtains CONACYT scholarship for PhD studies abroad. (Mexico)
2013 -2016 Obtains SEP-DGRI scholarship "beca complemento" for PhD studies abroad. (Mexico)
2012 – Selected as a fellow of the Program to support research and production in art and media CENART, CONACULTA, SEP (Mexico).
2012 – Receives FONCA scholarship for Young Creators in the category of composition and electronic media.
2008-2010 – Obtains FONCA scholarship for postgraduate studies abroad (Mexico).
2008 – Awarded with the Excellence Dans les Arts grant from the Government of France (France).
2006 – Graduated Summa Cum Laude from the National Autonomous University of Mexico with a Bachelor’s degree in Music Composition (Mexico).
2006 – Recipient of the Medal of Honor “Gabino Barreda”, given to academic excellence.
2004 - First prize winner, FONCA-CONACULTA’s 7th National Choral Composition Contest (Mexico)